1767 Solano Ave. Berkeley, CA 94707 • 510-524-1677


MONday to Friday 11:30AM to 2:30PM (excludes holidayS, CLOSED WEDNESDAYS)

individual Entree selection is served with steamed rice and soup of the day (soup not available for takeout)

Brown rice is an additional $1



 Please select one of our excellent Asian teas to accompany your meal. Kirin's classical selection of hot brews readies your palate for a
wonderful feast and heightens your gustatory experience. Our tea leaves come from all over China offering green, oolong, black and
scented varieties. Your choice of tea will add greatly to your experience here at the Kirin.


Green tea leaves picked from the tea bush Camellia Sinensis are dried, rolled and fired producing a grassy freshness and herbaceous quality in taste and aroma. Green teas usually have the least amount of caffeine.

Osmanthus Green 清香桂花綠茶 8

Long tea leaves naturally scented by the delicate sweetness of the Osmanthus blossom offering a brew with a savory and herbal aroma.

Japanese Genmai Cha 日本玄米茶 8

The classic Japanese green tea enhanced with toasted rice and popped corn producing a light, earthy, and nutty aroma.

Spring Hao Ya Jasmine 春毫茉莉花茶 8

Scented by the Jasmine blossom, tea leaves are dried, rolled and fired with the petals of the Jasmine giving the finished mixture a floral aroma. With most of the leaves removed, you enjoy a light green tea with a jasmine fresh fragrance and no bitterness



"Black Dragon" in Chinese, Oolong teas are also dried and fired, but an intermediate step of

limited fermenting yields a pungent and rich tea while maintaining the freshness of green tea.

Floral Ti Kuan Yin (Iron Goddess) 高級清香鐵觀音 8

Best of the Oolongs. Produced only from one county in China (An Xi), this amber mixture offers a full-bodied tea with a complex lingering taste and a wonderfully aromatic bouquet.

Min-Nan Oolong 特級閩南烏龍 8

A premium quality tea, new to the Oolong family with a pure bouquet and a classic full bodied Oolong flavor.

Orchid Oolong 黃金桂烏龍 8

Orchid seeds dried, rolled, slightly fermented, and fired with the tea leaves infuses a slight sweetness into this medium bodied golden-colored tea.


Known to the Chinese as "hong cha" or red tea because of the deep colors of the liquid, Camellia Sinensis leaves are left to completely ferment. This practice results in a beverage with great character and assertiveness.

Rose Congou Black 中國玫瑰紅茶 8

Large rose petals scent this delicately aromatic, fragrant and pungent tea.

Lichee Congou Black 中國荔枝紅茶 8

Scented lightly by the liquid of Lichee fruit, this brown-red tea offers the cla




*tax and gratuity not included